Using letsencrypt SSL certs with K8s ingress

pavan kumar ceemala
3 min readJan 30, 2024


Photo by Jeremy Lanfranchi on Unsplash

Letsencyrpt is a global certificate authority(CA) which provides free SSL certificates valid for 90 days with auto renew option. With letsencrypt we can create SSL certificates with wild cards, specific subdomains. In this article we will see how to generate SSL certificates with letsencrypt as CA using certbot and how to use them with k8s ingress.


eg: for macos

brew install certbot
  • To generate a wildecard SSL certificate for
certbot certonly — manual -d * -d — agree-tos — manual-public-ip-logging-ok — preferred-challenges dns-01 — server — register-unsafely-without-email — rsa-key-size 4096
  • The above command generates a TXT validation record, which needs to be added to your DNS hosted zone (in some instances you need to repeat this multiple times, until the validation is done.
  • Once the TXT record validation is done, the certificates are generated under this location
  • Now to add the tls to your ingress, login to your K8s cluster(not covered here), using whatever mechanism you have and create the secret, make sure the location of the certificate is correctly provided in the CLI
kubectl create secret tls pkc-web-tls-cert --cert=fullchain.pem --key=privkey.pem -n your-namespace
  • Provide the created secret in the ingress manifest, something similar like this
  ingressClassName: nginx
- host:
- backend:
name: dev-pkc-web
number: 9080
path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific
- hosts:
secretName: pkc-web-tls-cert

Done, this was a short hands-on tutorial, hope it helps!!!



pavan kumar ceemala
pavan kumar ceemala

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